Do Not Be Deceived
I am really no one special. These words came to me this morning as a friend
of mine led us in a bible study surrounding the topic of temptation. If you were here in class this morning you would
have noticed just how interactive this study was. Everyone was engaged. I jotted down this thought
in an outline and finished the thought on paper after lunch.
Recently, my bride and I have been conducting some business. In the course of making decisions we reminded ourselves that nowhere in the Bible does it tell us to trust all men until they give us a reason not to trust. Quite the opposite is true. The bible warns us "Do not be deceived".
2 Corinthians 11
14And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
Yes, this is out of context, but it doesn't change something God wants us to know. Let me ask you a question, does Satan have the power to transform his appearance? The correct answer is yes. In Genesis he appeared as a serpent. Here, is this verse, we read that he can appear as an angel of light. Since he can appear as an angel of light, do you think that has ever done this? There is that distinct probability.
What kind of deceptions should we be on guard against? Turn with me to Colossians 2. We will just do a quick survey of the chapter. You can read the details for yourself. Yes, I gave you some homework.
Verse 4- 7 Do not be deceived with persuasive words.
Verse 8- 15 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world.
Verse 16-17 Do not be deceived by the judgment of men. Don't let anyone judgment of you change your behavior. Stay on the path. Yes, that can happen even in a congregation. Better put, it is only important what God thinks of you.
Verses 18-19 Do not be drawn into false worship. God gives us instruction on how to worship him. If the bible is silent on it don't do it! You will be burning your worship calories for nothing. This same thing happened to Cain. His worship was not acceptable to God and it was rejected.
Verse 20-23 Do not be deceived by the commandments and doctrines of men.
You have to ask yourself the question, why did Paul feel compelled to write this letter to this church? What was his insight?
Colossae (ca los see) was on the main trade route and had a diverse population such as of Greeks and Jews. Do we have diverse population today?
The mixture
of backgrounds made the city an interesting cultural
center where all sorts of new ideas and doctrines from the East were discussed
and considered. Is this true for us today?
Because of these ungodly influences, the Colossian church was faced with the creeping influence of false teaching. Paul's letter stresses the true gospel where Jesus is absolutely central. Should we be concerned about deceit today?
Do not be deceived.
Is it possible to be deceived? Yes it is.
Is it possible to deceive yourself? I'll let this question sink in. But I do need you to soak this verse up.
Look at part (a) of verse 18. "Let no one cheat you of your reward," If you reading this today and not a Christian don't cheat yourself out of heaven. If you believe that Jesus is the son of God. You are half way there. All you need to do is step forward and repent. Which means, take the first step in living your life as Christ would have you live. Next step, be baptized as he commanded. Remember it is his invitation and not mine. It requires a RSVP. It requires acceptance or rejection. Don't cheat yourself.