Essential Guy Skills
In the time and place where I grew up, men performed most of their own repairs and maintenance to appliances, cars and homes. So as I
journeyed through the neighborhood on my bike, I was curious whenever I saw a car hood up or a friend's father trouble shooting his
bride's range. That's how I gained this knowledge and guy skills.
These pages are designed to help you save money. Think about it, if you can save $160.00 you just saved a day's wage.
Not everything in these pages will be about repairs. Some information here will be about avoiding trouble before trouble happens. After all it is a man's responsibility to provide for and protect his family. For instance, getting out in front of issues, like replacing car battery before it lets you down, may just protect your wife and children from danger. This is not a phone call you want to get from a mall parking lot at 9 o'clock at night.
Other information will be about helping you protect your property value. Like lawns and home upkeep.
Right now cars seem like a good place to start; after all it is our first big purchase. Got to run for now . . . . stay tuned.
Contributors: Indiucky