What Every Boy Needs To Know About Being A Man - God Approved
I am no one special. There will be no monuments erected to me and my name will be someday forgotten.
But there is something that I have put a vast amount of passionate thought in - I have come to realize
that the stakes of life are high.
At some point in time there will be a stone that marks the resting place of each of us. There will be a begin date and end date. What is really important is not what a person accomplished in a career but how you lived your life. And how you lived your life will be represented by the dash on your and my head stone.
I can picture hands attached to muscular arms welding a chisel and a hammer. The hammer strikes a blow to the chisel a couple of times and there you have it, the dash. The dash on the stone represents your and my whole life. So what was the lesson that I learned the hard way? Well hold your hand up with your fingers extended. Your index finger is on top. This finger represents the highest priority. That is worshiping God. Until a man or woman learns to fear God or hold him in awe, there is no wisdom.
Your next priority is represented by your middle finger, your family. My biggest regret has nothing to do with would could I have been career wise. My biggest regret is what I could have been father wise. What could I have been husband wise. I regret taking care of business and missing my son play a saxophone in a school event. Your family comes before work in all cases, no exceptions. Work will wait.
Your ring finger represents your self-development. Obtaining the physical, spiritual and intellectual development that makes you a better person. It is paying attention to your spiritual growth, your health and your intellect.
Now for the smallest finger, this finger represents your work. So just to cover it once more the priorities are God, your family, your self-development then work. Stay on this path. Do not turn the left or to the right. Stay on course as if guided by the North Star.
Now turn your hand over like this to the little finger, the work finger, on top. If you put work first then you will never get your self-development completed, you will never take care of your family as God intended and you will never be able to worship God, your creator, properly.
So you see the stakes of life are high. Work your life or live life - the choice is yours. If you miss the joys of life and heaven you will have missed everything. So learn from this and understand true values. I who tell you have wintered into this knowledge. For some these words could be so incomprehensible that it can't be fathomed at the present time. Perhaps with the distance of the future these words will come into perspective.
I take no credit for the words on this site. These are things that I have learned from others. These words are a mere echo of words spoken or written yesterday. The scripture says that all wisdom comes from God, therefore I'm using Him as the orginator. So if you find your words that you spoke in my hearing, know that someone listened.
Thanks for your kind attention. It was so kind of you to drop by.
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P.S. You need to to understand this as you study. The Old Testament is the foundation to the Lord and servant that is to arrive. The way to understand the bible is to keep your eyes on Jesus; because in the Old Testament He is expected, in the Gospels Jesus is revealed, in Acts of the Apostles Jesus is preached, in the Epistles Jesus is explained.